Santo Fire & EMS is a local organization that is always looking for help and support. It is a rare opportunity to get to do something that every little boy and occasionally little girl wants to do…be a firefighter. It is a privilege to be part of such a close-knit group of individuals. Santo Fire & EMS is not just a group, we are family. Each of us would give the shirt off our back for a fellow fireman and we are always needing more assistance as the demands placed on the department have only increased and continue to increase with the industry booming around I-20 and Highway 281 as well as the growing population of the area. It is not an easy job. It is very demanding. It takes work. It takes dedication and sacrifice but at the end of the day, we provide a sorely needed service to our community, whether we saved our patient’s life by transporting them to a hospital or saved someone’s home from being burned due to a grassfire.
The Fire service must be, by its very nature, an inherently noble endeavor. For this reason, you will be held to a higher standard. You must expect more of yourself, and more of your brothers. If you do not believe this, you are in the wrong place.
You will be asked to deal with people on the worst day of their lives. They may be injured, distraught, frightened, and vulnerable. Yours is the face they will remember-maybe the last face they will ever see.
You may summon courage. You may garner wisdom. And you may hone your craft. But, if within your heart you are not noble-if you are not righteous-you will have failed.
John Koonsman

Santo Fire & EMS is always seeking volunteers to assist the department in our calls for service. If Fire & EMS service interests you or you feel you can support us through fundraising and rehab please provide your information and certifications by email to and plan to attend one of our monthly meetings on the last Tuesday of each month at our station in Santo.